Friday, April 6, 2007

I hate squirrels......

Seriously, I do. And here a Vanderbilt, it's like the little bastards are domesticated. They're everywhere!! And, for some reason, they're totally not scared of people.They jump out from behind trashcans at you, they jump out of trees, from behind buildings...EVERYWHERE!!! One scared the absolute crap out of me while I was walking into school this morning. He ran right in front of me not 1 foot from where I was walking....

Don't let this one fool you. He may be cute, but this one's got diseases

So, in honor of me not liking squirrels (and the fact that I haven't posted in over a week) here's a couple of links to some songs that deal with other topics that I'm not particularly fond of. The songs themselves are good, but the topics they deal with aren't my faves. Hope you enjoy the songs.....

1. Ben Folds - Prison Food: Everytime I've been to prison, the food has been absolutely atrocious. So, if you're looking for a place to get some decent eats, I don't recommend committing a crime.

2. Death Cab for Cutie - Crooked Teeth: For all you younglings out there with braces, here's a bit of advice: When you get your braces off, don't forget to wear your retainer. Because there's nothing worse than being stuck with braces for 4 years only to have your teeth drift right on back to being crooked, only because you were too lazy to where your retainer.

3. Elliott Smith - Waltz #2: I've included this song to represent my aversion to dancing. Whether it be to rap (which I particularly hate) or classical dancing (for which I have taken a few lessons) doesn't matter. I don't like dancing.

4. Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong: It doesn't happen often, but I hate being wrong.....

5. Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun: Now I don't mind foreign people, BUT what I don't like is when I'm on an elevator with two people that speak a totally foreign language than me and they speak it right in front of me. That just seems rude. I have no idea what they're saying and I always assume they're making fun of me, when approximately 98% of the time that's not true. It is my opinion that they should either A) Speak English on the elevator, or B) Wait until either they or I get off the elevator to resume their conversation in the foreign language. I don't think that's asking too much.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate squirrels too but damn I enjoy the tunes!