Monday, May 26, 2008

Wading through the turds of the last 10 years...

Ten years ago I was approaching my high school graduation. Crazy to believe it was ten fucking years ago! Since then, I've experienced a lot of shit and listened to a lot of music, including a lot of turds. Because of this, it's a pretty joyous experience to go back and listen to some of that music and find something you still can dig. I did that very thing tonight when I revisited a band called The Samples. I listened to these cats a lot back in 1998 - it was the soundtrack to my last two years of high school. Like many a thing, we grew apart as I grew older and they grew crappier (sorry it's true - their later stuff is junk). But, some of their stuff was fantastic and that's what I bring you tonight. The two tracks featured below still resonate with me for their countrified, uplifting happiness on one hand and the melancholy, reflective beauty on the other. As always, there is a nice use of the pedal steel guitar, the baddest instrument in all the land.

The Samples -- Take My Heart
The Samples -- Prophet of Doom



Anonymous said...

Damn,'re old.

Actually, my tenth is next year. i guess I'll be posting Weezer and Better than Ezra songs a year from now.

Anonymous said...

Now that I think about it.....both of those were older. That was 8th grade.

Crap, i don't even know when I graduated.

So, let me try that again....I guess i'll be posting New Radicals and The Flys songs a year from now.

There.....that sounds better.

Anonymous said...

DEOW留学センターは手数料無料で貴方の留学を完全サポート! 千葉 不動産なら神奈川県の不動産会社シティネット。不動産 東京はお任せ下さい!マンスリーマンションを初めて借りる方へ蒙古火鍋 しゃぶしゃぶ 食べ放題 銀座